I'm a high school teacher and a mom. I love perusing all the Big Life Journal resources. I find that they help me be a better parent and sometimes I'm even able to incorporate them into my classroom. Social-emotional skills are so important and these go a long ways to helping to build those!
Love this community and the ideas and resources shared to inspire a growth mindset within our sphere of influence at America's Little Helpers.
I want to thank Growth minded community for a beautiful and materials. The materials shared has helped in bonding with my daughter and also helped her creative mind. We are loving it here.
We have been delighted with our copies of BLJ and subscription to resources which we have used with our beneficiaries aged 11 - 35. Utilising resources in sessions and being able to offer a journal as a take away has been a gift for all.
The resources available in GrowthMinded are so valuable. I’ve always been one to read all the parenting books and trying to learn all the things to “be the perfect mom” (I know … I know). But I never knew how to actually implement what I was learning. Insert GrowthMinded - a way for the parents to learn while also incorporating how to work with our kids. I wish this was something my parents had when I was a kid … so many “ah ha” moments that would have helped me in my childhood … I’m so glad to have these resources at my fingertips to provide for my kids!