Big Life Journal is dedicated to helping you and your children get through this unsettling period of increased shelter at home.
Below you can download our exclusive Stay-At-Home Care pack with ideas to get your children moving and learning while staying indoors!
Many ideas in this package were suggested by our growth mindset community of parents and teachers.
Click here to download the Free printable Stay-At-Home Care Package.

The 10-page printable pack includes:
- Indoor Games & Activities to get your children moving
- "I'm Bored" list of indoor activities for children (both alone and with their siblings)
- "Things I Can Do" for teens and older children
- Stay-at-home resource lists including growth mindset movies, TV shows, and books
- My Daily Learning Projects template for children (all ages)
Grab a growth mindset journal for your children:
Big Life Journal for ages 7-10
A growth mindset is not about being smarter. It’s about happier, more resilient children who approach life’s challenges with confidence. It's about teaching them they can achieve ANYTHING with hard work and dedication.

Thank you soo much, its soo good to find your resources. Your journal is helpful to me and my other parents too.
I will be honest. I usually do not read my e-mails. I never have time it seems. However, I chose to read the e-mail because of the topic on raising inclusive kids. As my 3rd grader went through school this year I noticed she changed drastically. Her confidence seemed so low and she mentioned certain people wouldn’t play with her. She was in a small Christian Academy for the first 7 years of her life so she knew everyone in the school. This was her second year in this school and repeat she met everyone in the school during second grade but things changed for third grade. I realized she noticed the difference in hair, color and the attention given. It has been such a difficult year as a mom to encourage her that you are the same smart and beautiful girl with beautiful curls. It has been difficult recently (since the beginning of third grade) to get her to embrace her beautiful curls and skin. This really did encourage me today because regardless of how much you love your children unless they feel accepted they will still have that pain. Thank you! I love the materials. May I share with other Moms or is this only for those who purchased the journal?
Stumbling upon your journal may be the best thing that has happened this year. The upheaval caused by the pandemic has really affected my little one. I bought the journal as a birthday gift but gave her immediately as waiting until the 25th of June seemed like an eternity to wait to share something that held so much promise of change with her. Thank you!
Thank you for these free downloads! Super helpful. I share your link with mommies I know. ❤️
LOVE your content! Thank you for everything you do.