Zara and Leo love hearing stories from our Big Life Kids. In our mini-episodes, we discover some of the amazing things our listeners are up to in their own lives... prepare to be dazzled!
This week, Grissom from Georgia in the USA tells us about his musical journey to believing in himself.
Do you want your growth mindset story to be featured on the Big Life Kids Podcast? Submit your story to Leo & Zara.
In this episode, children will:
- continue learning about the importance of believing in themselves
- be inspired by Grissom, our listener from Georgia, USA
Supplemental Resources
- Read Chapter 1 "Believe in Yourself" of the Big Life Journal - Second Edition. In this chapter, children learn about believing in themselves and practice positive self-talk.

- Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by J. Deak
- Bubble Gum Brain by Julia Cook
- LearnStorm Growth Mindset: The Truth About Your Brain by Khan Academy
- How Your Brain Works for Kids | Growth Mindset and Neuroscience for Kids
- Your Brain is Plastic by SciShow

1. Have your children complete the 5-Day Growth Mindset Challenge (in the Challenges Kit). It will help them understand the difference between a growth mindset and fixed mindset, learn about the power of YET, and practice key growth mindset affirmations.
2. Create a Jar of Awesome (in the Podcast Activity Kit) to celebrate the small wins that move your child closer to their dream! It can make all the difference in how they feel about their progress and will help them stay motivated. Every time they feel unmotivated or discourage, re-read the wins from their jar. It will help them to keep going!
3. Do the activity Build a Growth Mindset Poster in the Growth Mindset Printables Kit. As you and your children or students color the posters, discuss the questions together.
4. Practice problem solving with the Mighty Treasure Coins activity (in the Confidence & Self-Esteem Kit). Children will define their obstacles and work out strategies to overcome those obstacles.
Discussion Questions
- What did Grissom do when playing the cello became difficult?
- Think of a time when you believed in yourself while facing a challenge. Describe what happened.
- What might have happened if you didn’t believe in yourself at that time?
For Parents and Teachers
- Discover Growth Mindset and How to Believe in Yourself
- 7 Activities to Help Your Child Develop a Positive Attitude
- 9 Activities To Build Grit and Resilience in Children
- 7 New (And Fun) Ways for Kids To Do Affirmations
Produced by Alexandra Eidens and Big Life Journal team. Written and directed by Sarah Cyrano. Sound design and original music by Elettra Bargiacchi. Sound mixing by Mattia Marcelli. Characters played by Sean Chiplock and Ryan Bartley. Managed by Kait Bibb.
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Fantastic Podcast. My last 2 kids listened to in the car and they just said – we want to have our Jar of Awesome! SO.. next day they prepared their jars with their names and also some pieces of paper to have handy for their notes. Interesting was that my daughter wrote …My mom is awesome :D :D !! _
Congratulations on a great episode! We loved being. a part of the process and sharing Grissom’s story! He smiled through the entire podcast and laughed out loud at the puns and ending! We can’t wait to hear more! Well done!
Love, Grissom and Grissom’s Family